One of the Best and most memorable Hunts Of My Life thus far, if you can’t tell by the perma-grin on my face! I harvested both of these monster Florida Bucks on the last day of the deer season within the last hour. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to get a shot at these two bucks. I was hunting a cypress swamp that usually holds water most of the year, but was dry at the time. These deer had bedding areas and travel corridors all throughout this cypree swamp. I sat this area 15 different times and saw several does and some hogs but no buck sightings.
The swamp had multiple rub lines and scrapes throughout and I knew for sure there was a good buck or two using the area. I was very hesitant to put cameras out because I didn’t want to spook any of these bucks causing them to move out altogether. I grunted the first one in forty five minutes before the end of shooting light, which is the one on my left. The second buck harvested (one on my right), I rattled in using some of my old sheds just minutes after a clean pass through on the first one. Talk about going out with a bang! I was prepared and optimistic and once the opportunity presented itself, success was conquered. Thanks to Carbon Express Arrows accompanied by a Muzzy Broadhead, a Backwoods Life deadly combination.
Davie “Crockett” Ferraro – Backwoods Bonehead
Phil 4:13